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Are there any ways to get a list of the RICs of all the companies covered by Refinitiv ESG?

Are there any ways to get a list of the RICs of all the companies covered by Refinitiv ESG so that users for Eikon Data API can set all the RICs in their API call to retrieve the ESG data for all the companied covered and available?

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@hiroko.yamaguchi1 Thanks for your question - there is indeed a pretty straightforward way of doing this using the screener app. There is a boolean field called 'TR.HasESGCoverage'. This can be used in the following screener query to generate the universe. However, there is a limit of 5000 companies that can be returned per screen - therefore I have added the TR.HeadquartersRegion with Europe, Africa, Oceania in one call, Asia and Americas in 2 separate calls.

df = rd.get_data(["SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), TR.HasESGCoverage==true, IN(TR.HeadquartersRegion,""Europe"",""Africa"",""Oceania""), CURN=USD)"],["TR.CommonName;TR.HasESGCoverage;TR.HeadquartersRegion"])


df1 = rd.get_data(["SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), TR.HasESGCoverage==true, IN(TR.HeadquartersRegion,""Asia""), CURN=USD)"],["TR.CommonName;TR.HasESGCoverage;TR.HeadquartersRegion"])


df2 = rd.get_data(["SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/), TR.HasESGCoverage==true, IN(TR.HeadquartersRegion,""Americas""), CURN=USD)"],["TR.CommonName;TR.HasESGCoverage;TR.HeadquartersRegion"])

I hope this can help.

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