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Receiving an error from RFA : RFA Exception OmmInvalidUsageException dictionary retrieval failed (timed out after waiting 45000 milliseconds)

Do you know how to configure my RFA to use local field dictionary file instead of downloading that from upstream system or TREP ?

We are receiving below error when try to connect one of publisher server.

Receiving an error from RFA : RFA Exception OmmInvalidUsageException dictionary retrieval failed (timed out after waiting 45000 milliseconds)Receiving an error from RFA : RFA Exception OmmInvalidUsageException dictionary retrieval failed (timed out after waiting 45000 milliseconds)

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Hello @ryusuke.kamimura

I must admit that I am not the C++ API Guy. However, based on my research the RFA C++ rfa::rdm::RDMFieldDictionary class also has the same kind of methods as follows:

  • readRDMEnumTypeDef()
  • readRDMFieldDictionary()


Hope this helps.

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Hello @wasin.w

Thanks a lot for your info. This helps a lot.
let us give it a try and get back if any issues.

26.4k 62 17 14

Hello @ryusuke.kamimura

The error message indicates that the API cannot get the Real-Time dictionary information (either RDMFieldDictionary or enumtype.def) from the OMM Provider on time.

About loading local data dictionary files, you can use RFA Java FieldDictionary.readRDMFieldDictionary() and FieldDictionary.readEnumTypeDef() methods as follows:


Please see more detail on the following RFA Java example in the API package



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Hello @wasin.w

Many thanks for your quick response and answer.

However, we need c++ reference.

Do you have any reference for C++ ?

26.4k 62 17 14

Hi @ryusuke.kamimura

Additionally, you can use the RFA Java parameter "dictionaryRequestTimeout" to adjust the time (in milliseconds) to wait for a provider to send back dictionary responses before timing out the dictionary request and sending a dictionary close request back to the application.


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Hello @wasin.w

Many thanks for your quick response and asnwer.

We need C++ reference.
do you have any reference for C++ ?

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