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Multiple RICs for date range using RDP api

Is there a way to query for multiple RICs using the following rdp.get_historical_price_summaries? can we define the date range as well?

    universe = 'VOD.L', 
    interval = rdp.Intervals.DAILY,
    fields = ['BID','ASK','OPEN_PRC','HIGH_1','LOW_1','TRDPRC_1','NUM_MOVES','TRNOVR_UNS']
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Hi @ehbok.khongshun ,

Thank you for your question. You may specify start and end parameters in your request. However, I would suggest using our latest Refinitiv Data Libraries API, where you can specify multiple RICs and start/end dates. Here is an example:

    universe = ['LSEG.L','VOD.L'], 
    interval = 'daily',
    start = '2023-01-01',
    end = '2023-03-01',
    fields = ['BID','ASK','OPEN_PRC','HIGH_1','LOW_1','TRDPRC_1','NUM_MOVES','TRNOVR_UNS']


Hope this helps.

Best regards,


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Hi Haykaz,

I'm getting the following error when I use the rdp.get_history

AttributeError: module 'refinitiv.dataplatform' has no attribute 'get_history'

Here is how I connected to rdp:


1677504863415.png (26.2 KiB)
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10 |1500

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Hi @ehbok.khongshun ,

My example above is using RD Libriaries instead of RDP, so please kindly try rd.get_history after installing There you would be able to specify multiple RICs.

Best regards,


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