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Trouble selecting large amounts of data in Datastream Excel Add-in


I am a business school student, and I'm attempting to use Eikon Datastream to create a larger dataset - But i am having trouble selecting a large enough volume of data in my queries.

I have access to Eikon and Datastream, and the excel add-in and I am a beginner with all. My access to these is through my school's Windows terminals.

My plan is to create a dataset with two columns, containing company identifier + their extended descriptions
Then, i would like to use a text-mining approach to categorize and sub-categorize these companies for a research project. (eventually, i'd like more columns, but it won't matter if I cannot do this text mining approach, because the categories i am after arent in any pre-existing dataset i've found)

I've used the Excel add-in to make a static query along with the Datastream navigator to try and select all equity (250,000) and then the extended description as one column.

However, I am not allowed to select more than the entire pages worth of results (15), and i've found no easy way to create lists without also having to use the navigator. It seems i cannot show the whole page for results of more than 500, and the cutoff for the "download to excel" button seems to be 5000 - all rather prohibitive and time inefficient to what i'm trying to do.

Can someone point me in the direction that could help me automate this process of selecting the data i want? or point out anything i've missed.

I am not at a terminal now so i do not have screenshots, but i can provide them ASAP incase someone steps up to help.

Any feedback is much appreciated - and don't hesitate to ask for more information if neccesary.
Thank you very much

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Hi, have you sorted this out? I am having the same question. Thanks

1 Answer

15.3k 32 5 10

Hi @krla18ab ,

Thank you for posting the question in this forum. However, this forum is dedicated to an API usage question hence, the moderators on this forum do not have deep expertise in every type of content and product (such as the Datastream Excel add-in) available through Refinitiv products. Such expertise is available through Refinitiv Helpdesk, which can be reached via MyRefinitiv. To be of help, ticket number 12306292 was raised on your behalf and the support team is going to contact you directly to assist with this.

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions

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