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using Refinitiv Data PlatformSession at the same time as accessing Refinitiv Desktop Access

dear Developers commuinty

i'm working to migrate some Adfin RealTime functions i'm using , which are 32 bits, to .Net solution by using Refinitiv Data Library, and 'im facing issues with Retrieving data from internal feed (ATS) and contributing data.

Indeed, for services as retrieving realtime data (IDN), fundamental data, historical i use desktopsession as shown below, this don't disconnect/distrurb eikon quotes opened on the computer where i run such extraction.

but for todata from interna feed (ATS) and contribute data, i have to use Deployedsession(PlatformSession), but once i open a session using this method, all opened eikon quotes show DACS problems.

is there a way to tell to the process that Platformsession opened, as it will be running on PC with Eikon running, should not interrupt quotes and others processus runned uding eikon desktop.

i have tried DACSPosition parameter by indicating PC IpAdress where Eikon Desktop is running but without success.

many thanks for your assistance



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Can you share the DACS error retrieved by the opened Eikon quotes?

Is Eikon configured to retrieve real-time data from the local RTDS?

19k 85 39 63

Hi @anass.yazane.1

Can you provide the version of the Refinitiv Data Library for .Net? In the latest versions, there is no longer a "DeployedSession", but rather the functionality has been included within the "PlatformSession".

For example:

var deployedSession = PlatformSession.Definition().Host("ATSserver:15000")

If you are running into DACs issues when creating a deployed session that requires DACs parameters, please look at this example. If you continue having issues connecting into your deployed ADS, you will need to contact the market data administrators to determine if you have the ability to access this server and what your DACs parameters should be.

"is there a way to tell to the process that Platformsession opened, as it will be running on PC with Eikon running, should not interrupt quotes and others processus runned uding eikon desktop."

Can you please elaborate this statement?

One thing you need to be aware of is when you create multiple sessions, you should specify the explicit session when making requests for data. For example, if you want to retrieve market data from the above deployed Session, it would look something like this:

var stream = Pricing.Definition().Universe("EUR=")

And if you create a desktop session to retrieve historical pricing for example:

var response = Summaries.Definition("AAPL.O").GetData(desktopSession);
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119 6 7 18
dear @nick.zincone many thanks for your help
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