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How can I know the security type and the number of underwriters of a municipal on rdp api?

I wanna get the type of the municipal bonds, like whether it is GO or revenue, I am also trying to count how many underwriters are there in the manager group. So I made python code like this:

df1 = rdp.search(
        view = rdp.SearchViews.MunicipalInstruments,
        filter = fil,
        top = 10000,
        select = "CUSIP,SecurityType,UnderWriterAmount"

But I got nothing from the returned dataframe, what should I do?

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Hi @eikon11,

Have you tried looking for field names that you can request for with the RD Python Library using the DIB? This is an example, is this the kind of info you are after? If so, you can see how you can mix Search and the RD Python Library's get_history function in this article.


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