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Unable to get all available periods when requesting multiply time series using eikon for python.

I am currently trying to get the data for multiple time series between the year 1995 and now at a monthly level.

rics = 

eikon_df_m = ek.get_timeseries(rics, interval = 'monthly', start_date = '1995-01-01')

It returns missing data on quite a few of them where there is data and the earliest it goes back is 2006, however when requesting them individually I can get data going back as far as I want.

Basically very few of the rows below should be NA and data should go back to 1995 for quite a few of selected seris.


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@sassoonj Thanks for your question and sorry to hear about your issue. So I believe you are running into get_timeseries interday limit per call of 3000 data points, To get around this please try iterating across the list of RICs as follows:

data1 = pd.DataFrame()
for ric in rics:
    df1 = ek.get_timeseries(ric,interval = 'monthly', start_date = '1995-01-01')
    df1.rename(columns = {'VALUE': ric}, inplace = True)
    if len(data1):
        data1 = pd.concat([data1, df1], axis=1)
        data1 = df1



This seems to work for me. I hope this can help.

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Thank you, this works. Although I think there is an error in your answer. I changed

df1.rename(columns = {'VALUE': i}, inplace = True) 
df1.rename(columns = {'VALUE': ric}, inplace = True) 
@sassoonj Thanks so much for the spot - apols yes - I have changed the code sample I shared.

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