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Different set of errors from Refinitiv during EOD.


I tried to setup EOD request for more than 500 RICs. There are some inconsistent errors recorded.

Few error were -(401) Unauthorized.), (502) Bad Gateway.). And some of the request received from Refinitiv is blank. Could you please help me what could be the reason for this kind of errors? Like I said , it random during the EOD.

1) EOD 00:30 CET --> Able to get prices.

2) EOD 1:00 CET --> Error

3)EOD 2:00 CET--> Error

4) EOD 3:00 CET --> Able to get prices but the prices received count from 00:30 CET and 3:00 CET is different.


Could you please guide me on above different set of error noticed?

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

You need to check and record the HTTP status codes of the retrieved responses. If it is 401 Unauthorized, the token may be invalid and you may need to get a new token. If it is 502, it could be a server and network issue and you may need to contact the DSS support team or network team to verify the problem.

However, the application should implement logic to handle these kinds of problems.

In some cases, the HTTP status code could be 202 Accepted.


This indicates that the extraction is still in-progress on the server. The Headers will contain the Location which contains a monitor URL which can be used to query the status of the extraction.


Therefore, the application should send a HTTP GET reuest to this URL to query the status of the extraction and get the output.

I hope that this information is of help.

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