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646 23 34 43

python eikon api returns 2 record for 1 ric

Here is what I get:

>>> ek.get_data( instruments = ['VINO.OQ'], fields =  ["TR.SEDOL",'TR.SEDOLCODE', "TR.ISIN",'TR.ISINCODE'] )
(  Instrument    SEDOL SEDOL Code          ISIN     ISIN Code
0    VINO.OQ  BNKLQX8    BP2TPL5  US36809R3057  US36809R3057
1    VINO.OQ  BP2TPL5                                       , None)

The question is why I'm getting 2 records for 1 request.

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Hi @igorg

It is usually best to reach out to the Helpdesk via the desktop application by pressing F1-Help or selecting the menu option "Get Help & Support" if you have questions related to the content.

That being said, I believe you are receiving 2 SEDOL values because of where this instrument is traded. Researching a little, I believe the RIC (VINO.OQ) is traded on both the LSE (London Stock Exchange) [SEDOL: "BNKLQX8"] as well as the Nasdaq [SEDOL: "BP2TPL5"].

You can confirm with the helpdesk.


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646 23 34 43

Hi @nick.zincone ,

Support says BNKLQX8 is an old value and BP2TPL5 is a new one , that was replaced.

Is there a way to request only the current actual value?

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Hi @igorg

Looking at your result above, if you only request for TR.SEDOLCODE, and not TR.SEDOL, this should get you the actual value. From a coding perspective, this seems to be what you are after, but support can confirm if this is the correct field.


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