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Datastream Python API Guide regarding necessary firewall settings


we are currently attempting to get the DataStream API running. We would like to use the API to get data from DataStream directly into Python.

Our Server environment - however - is very restrictive, as our firewall is blocking nearly every connection to the internet. Currently, the DataStream API is not working, as ports are blocked.

Therefore, I have to give our IT departement very precise information on necessary modifciations regarding the firewall (e.g. ports / procedures / urls / etc.)

Can you please provide me with a comprehensive and complete guide about all firewall elements that have to be freed up in order to use the DS API?



#productpython apidatastream-api
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Hi @thomas.osowski,

The URL is
The port number is 443.
The procedure is HTTPS and TLS 1.2.
We suggest NOT connecting to IPs but rather the DNS

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Hello @thomas.osowski

Thank you for contacting us. I am asking the Datastream API team about the question.
I will get back to you as soon as I receive any information from the team.

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Hello @thomas.osowski

I just got information from the Datastream API team. The API does not have any network guides. However, the team confirms my colleague @jonathan.legrand answer is the suggested configuration.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.