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Beginner Question Access RDP - using java

I am currently working on a project that involves downloading data from RDP. While I have gone through the documentation provided on your website (also, here ) on how to authenticate, I have some open questions about connectivity like- 1. Should we be using RDP version 2 authentication or v1 ? 2. In order to stream FMRD MarketEvents and MAS data, Is this the correct example to look at in RealTimeSDK - ex450_MP_QueryServiceDiscovery, If so, what would the values for client ID and client secret.

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Hi @mbrown01,

Streaming data has a different meaning for us in the Market Data business. Looks like you are interested in the RDP bulk file downloads, and the RTSDK is not relevant here.

Have you received an ID and a client secret from Refinitiv, or did you receive an ID and were asked to create a password in the welcome email. You will have to use v2 for former and v1 authentication for the latter.

You can see this article on how to get a token in Java.

This article describes the v2 authentication.

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Thanks Gurpreet.

We received machine-ID and machine password was set up to connect to RDP programmatically.

I believe V1 authentication needs to be used for this case?

If so, once our application establishes a connection and tries to download the file, would the connection break if authentication token expires in between data transfer?

The actual file is delivered from AWS S3 bucket, through a signed link that will be provided to your application. That link will be valid even if the Refinitiv authentication token expires. It would be helpful to look at this CFS interaction in Postman.

24.3k 62 15 21

Hi @mbrown01,

You are using the Refinitiv Real time Optimized (RTO for short), which uses the authentication and service discovery endpoints of RDP. The authentication mechanism that you use will depend on what type of credentials you received - if it is a machine ID and a password, then it is v1.

For EMA Java, I would recommend that you start with a Quickstart guide which provides step by step instructions. It also shows how to generate client ID using AppKey generator. The client secret used is blank string.

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Thanks Gurpreet,

Our requirement is to get response of
this rest call and then parse that response to further get href to download files/file-sets

What is the authentication protocol to be followed keeping in mind we do not want the connection to break in between of a data transfer because of expiration of auth token.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.