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Historical Officers and Directors data pull using API


I was just wondering if it's possible to retrieve data on previous officers and directors through the API in Refinitiv Workspace. My understanding is that it was previously not possible through the Eikon API, but is there any change as we shift to Workspace?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi @mraza ,

I cannot find how to retrieve the historical data of officers and directors data with the Refinitiv Data library yet. However, as the moderator of this forum is not an expert in every content set available in Refinitiv, that expertise can be found in the Helpdesk which can be reached via MyRefinitiv, which I found the related case raised a few weeks ago with the answer from support team as below

I have worked with our Specialist regarding the historical officers and directors data with an API. Please be advised that historical data for Board Members/Directors for a given company is currently not supported as confirmed by our Specialist. You may see general guidelines on how to pull up officers and directors below.

Using sample RIC <CHRH.CO>, you may access the Overview page > ESG Tab > Officers. You may also export the data in excel by clicking the Export to Excel option located at the upper right side of the ESG page.

In case this could help, below is the code to retrieve the current data with Refinitiv Data Library. However, checking the Parameters tab in the Data Item Browser, it seems the historical data of field TR.OfficerName isn't available.

import as rd



Please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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How can we get the biography& education, affiliations and committee of an officer in this same table?

For example, 1702023216204.png

I want to retrieve all the information from this tab. Is it possible?

1702023216204.png (218.8 KiB)

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