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Refinitiv.Data.Content library returns "The access to field(s) denied."


I'm using C# NuGet package "Refinitiv.Data.Content" to communicate with Refinitiv Workspace API.

When I request some fields for the funds I've got an error: The access to field(s) denied. But I can see the values of these fields in the Refinitiv Workspace application. I've tried to use PlatformSession and DesktopSession. There is no difference.

For example:


Field: TR.FundPortfolioManager

My code:

IDataSetResponse response = FundamentalAndReference

Server answer:

"error": {
"code": 221,
"description": "The access to field(s) denied."

How can I take an access ti these fields?

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Hi @Fund_Lads

The 'FundamentalAndReference' interface uses a backend service within RDP. The Refnitiv.Data.Content library presently uses this backend service for both 'platform' and 'desktop' sessions. This particular service unfortunately does not permission all data and thus is the reason why you are seeing inconsistencies when using a 'desktop' session.

We are changing this in the next release of the library. That is, we are planning on updating the 'FundamentalAndReference' interface for 'desktop' sessions so you should be able to access the same data as you reference within Refinitiv Workspace.

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Thank you for the answare!
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Hi @Fund_Lads ,

Regarding the permission of the Refinitiv Data Library, you can contact your account representative to check and add the permission to the field. I've contacted your account owner and you'll be contacted soon.

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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So do Refinitiv Data Library and Refinitiv Workspace app have different permissions? Because of I can see this field in the app but have no access in Data Library.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.