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EMA Libaray performance


I am using EMA library and have to call different function based on field type which impacting performance of application.

As previously, we used RFA where we have simple function call , Is there any api like below in EMA too?

formatter.addField(fieldName, fidID, field_value)

Appreciate any help.


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Thanks for reaching out to us.

I assumed that you mean the MDContribFormatter example class in the legacy market data interface example.

 MDContribFormatter _formatter;

The legacy market data interface uses the MarketFeed data format which is a string representation so the data is encoded as a string.

    public void appendField(String fid, String value)
        // Allow append field after making buffer
        if (_buffer.length() != 0 && _buffer.charAt(_buffer.length() - 1) == FS)
            _buffer.deleteCharAt(_buffer.length() - 1);

However, EMA uses the Refintiv Wire Format (RWF) which is a binary representation and each data type has its own encoding function. Therefore, the application needs to know the data type of the data and then call the appropriate function to encode the data.

I hope that this information is of help.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.