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Missing data when running Rest API for History data from GetDataBundle

Some of the date is missing data when running Rest API for History data from GetDataBundle

for example i am not getting WC08631A (Net Sales/Revenues 1 Year Annual Growth) data for for ISIN US02079K1079 (GOOGL)

Example for the Body I am using - maybe something is wrong with the parameters


"DataRequests": [


"DataTypes": [


"Properties": null,

"Value": "P"



"Properties": null,

"Value": "WC08631A "



"Date": {

"End": "",

"Frequency": "",

"Kind": 0,

"Start": "2023-03-28"


"Instrument": {

"Properties": null,

"Value": "US02079K1079"


"Tag": null



"Properties": null,

"TokenValue": "<token>"


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1 Answer

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@Idit Katz

Thanks for reaching out to us.

For the snapshot data, the request should look like this:

  "DataRequest": {
    "DataTypes": [
        "Properties": null,
        "Value": "WC08631A"
        "Properties": null,
        "Value": "P"
    "Instrument": {
      "Properties": null,
      "Value": "US02079K1079"
    "Date": {
      "End": "",
      "Frequency": "",
      "Kind": 0,
      "Start": "LATESTDATE"
    "Tag": null
  "Properties": {
    "Key": "Source",
    "Value": null
  "TokenValue": "<token>"

I used the "LATESTDATE" in the "Start" field.

For the time-series data, the request should look like this:

  "DataRequest": {
    "DataTypes": [
        "Properties": null,
        "Value": "WC08631A"
        "Properties": null,
        "Value": "P"
    "Instrument": {
      "Properties": null,
      "Value": "US02079K1079"
    "Date": {
      "End": "",
      "Frequency": "Y",
      "Kind": 1,
      "Start": "-5Y"
    "Tag": null
  "Properties": {
    "Key": "Source",
    "Value": null
  "TokenValue": "<token>"

I hope that this information is of help.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.