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Getting nackCode="NoResponse" intermittently when posting update to TREP via RFA

We encounter nackcode = 'NoResponse" intermittently when posting update looping to TREP via RFA. The response is as below :

AppClient - AckMsg response: AckMsg


domain="MarketPrice Domain"



text="No Ack received for PostMsg with postId = 277"


However none of the updates failed to update to TREP, it looks the a timeout when the TREP service response back a correct return code after processing the request successfully. Would like to seek some advise on the possible cause of this issue.

Many Thanks

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You are using EMA, not RFA.

For EMA, the configuration should be PostAckTimeout.


Set it in the Consumer node. For example:

    <DefaultConsumer value="Consumer_1"/>
            <Name value="Consumer_1"/>        
            <Channel value="Channel_1"/>       
            <Dictionary value="Dictionary_1"/>
            <XmlTraceToStdout value="0"/>
           <PostAckTimeout value="50000"/>

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

It may relate to the timeout in the API. You can change the maximum time (in milliseconds) to wait for an acknowledgement message in reply to a post by setting the itemPostTimeout or itemPostTimeoutInterval configuration in RFA C++ or RFA Java respectively.

The default value is 15000 milliseconds.

Those configurations are in the Connection element. For more information, please refer to the RFA configuration guide.

I hope that this information is of help.

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@Jirapongse,thanks your answer, and i found out itemPostTimeoutInterval in configuration guide, but i can't find out where should i set it, would you like provide more details or guide to set it, many thanks!

btw, i only have EmaConfig.xml to set configuration, i have tried but failed.

ema version:


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great, your suggestion is very helpful for me to fix this issue. thanks again!

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Jirapongse,do you know why it sometimes cost long time(about 22s), but sometimes only cost 2-3s to to publish 254 rics success.

like below: publish same rics to trep, but spent time is very difference.

i mean although i have changed the maximum time(PostAckTimeout) to 30s. but how can i guarantee this issue will not appear again in case the response time greater than 30s?


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You may need to enable tracing in the API by setting the XmlTraceToStdout configuration to 1 to verify if the API sent the post messages to TREP.

If the post messages were sent to TREP but TREP didn't respond with the ACK messages or TREP used a lot of time to handle the post messages, you need to contact the TREP support team to verify the TREP configurations.

However, if you sent the post messages to ATS, you need to contact the ATS support team to verify what the problem is.

You can contact the TREP (RTDS) or ATS support team directly via MyRefinitiv.

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here have no any AckMsg returned from Trep within 19s, is it a normal behavior? or do you have a guide to show how long time should spend when i add 20 rics to publish for each times?


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What is the target server of the post messages (ATS, RTDS Cache, or RCC)?

Can you share the XML trace file?

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i did test again and send you the xml trace file( would you help to check?

target server of the post messages(RCC):

host: ""
userName: "APP_MT_FO_TOOLS"
serviceName: "BSM_MM_PUB"
port: "19530"


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Thank you for the trace file.

I checked the trace file and found the Post messages with the PostID 3174 and 3175 were sent at 10:41:48 and the ASK messages of those PostIDs were received at 10:42:06.

If the API regularly dispatches the retrieved messages, it should not be a problem in the API.

The RTDS (TREP) may throttle the post messages or RCC took some time to handle those post messages. You need to contact the RTDS or RCC support team via MyRefinitv to verify what the problem is.

If you would like to investigate this problem in the API, you need to contact the API support team via Contact Premium Support. However, you need to be an RDC (Refinitiv Developer Connect) named user to submit a query to the API support team.

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