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The access to field(s) denied: rd.getdata - TR.RDNExchangeCode


I want to get exchange code from rics. using rd library , which direct to /data/datagrid/beta1

import as rd

It return these errors. Please suggest if I need any permission to get these fields?

Exception Error code 221 | The access to field(s) denied. Requested universes: ['MSFT.O', 'IBM', 'GOOG.O', 'AAPL.O', 'SPY']. Requested fields: ['TR.RDNExchangeCode']
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Hi @yok ,

Yes, the error message indicates that your account doesn't have a permission to this field.

I tried the code you used and got a result as below.


1682057702456.png (17.1 KiB)
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Thank you for your confirm

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