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How do I obtain time series of top 10 investors for a list of firms?

Using the Eikon API, how do I obtain time series data for the top 10 investors for a list of firms (in Python)?
For example this:

df, e = ek.get_data('FIEG.DE',['TR.ISIN','TR.InvestorFullName','TR.PctOfSharesOutHeld','TR.PctOfSharesOutHeld.date','TR.InvestorType'],{'SDate':'2000-12-31','Frq':'Y', 'EDate':'2002-12-31'}) #time range

gives me all investors, and I am wondering how to limit to top 20 (or 50 or whatever).
Thank you!

apipython apitime-series
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Hi @Hannes Wagner Thanks for your question. So I have check a bit and I think this works best doing it one year at a time:

df, e = ek.get_data('FIEG.DE'['TR.ISIN','TR.InvestorFullName','TR.PctOfSharesOutHeld','TR.PctOfSharesOutHeld.date','TR.InvestorType'],{'SDate':'-1FY','StartNum':1,'EndNum':10}) 


I hope this can help.

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it helped me, thanks.

Regarding the parameters:


Could you point to some documentation?


3 0 0 4

Yes, it does help! Thank you!

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