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RDP session quota per machine ID


I am trying to develop an application that is intended to be used by a small number (<10) of humans to access the published-notifications API (NotifiAPI?) for processing change announcements and I'm left with a couple of authentication related questions.

  1. Is there a suggested model for authentication with the RDP that doesn't require these humans to understand things like how to generate and retrieve an AppKey for themselves? Ideally it would be possible for these people to run the application concurrently but it's likely to only be a maximum of 3 at a time.
  2. I have a MachineID linked to my account and I can generate a list of 10 AppKeys but I think I'm being limited to only one of these having an open session at any one time. What's the purpose of allowing me to generate many AppKeys if only one is allowed to be used at any one time anyway?
  3. I found the response to this question from May 2021 suggesting work was scheduled to improve the session quota. Has this been done? Can I get a larger session quota?
  4. Is there a way for a user to "Logout" when the application is finished? Thus freeing up the session they were using? I do not mean the takeExclusiveSignOnControl option. I would prefer for users to self-declare that they are finished and no longer need the session kept open

Thanks in advance

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hi Matt, were you able to use the notify API?

I am looking to do the same, wondering, how to provide page param or filters?

Otherwise, I am just getting the first page.


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Hi @matt.croall,

The AppKey is a tracker for Refinitiv, so that we can identify and isolate offending apps. In your model, even if you have multiple app keys with a single machine ID, any subsequent login from that machine ID will invalidate previous logins.

There are two approaches that you can take -

a. Create a client-server based app, which maintains and controls the RDP session and invokes the RDP API on behalf of the users.

b. Get a new machine ID for each one of your users.

For the v1 authentication (the one which uses AppKey), there is a revoke token endpoint - which can be used for logging out the users. The v2 authentication (newer), does not use the AppKey.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.