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Unable to get economic indicators historical data

I'm using the eikon api and trying to get historical data from "aBRXOGAPR". I wrote 'ek.get_timeseries("aBRXOGAPR" , start_date= "2010-01-02", end_date="2023-05-02)' and it is returning :

2023-05-24 16:55:29,727 P[20964] [MainThread 7108] Error with aBRXOGAPR: Interval is not supported
2023-05-24 16:55:29,729 P[20964] [MainThread 7108] aBRXOGAPR: Interval is not supported |

I tried with several time ranges and I'm getting the same error

eikon-data-api#technologypython apitime-series
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Hi @guilherme.matt ,

Mostly the economic indicators timeseries data is available in quarterly and/or monthly interval. However, I tried both and found that these interval aren't supported.

You can used the RD Library to retrieve this data, for example

import as rd



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