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How to increase timeout or heartbeat for Channel Down Event

Received ChannelDownReconnecting event on channel Channel_1 Error text Ping error for channel: Lost contact with connection

Is there any way I can get rid of this error?

Is Application reconnect on its own ?

Whats the way to reproduce this error?

Appreciate your help.



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Hi @vikas.chaudhary,

Yes, the EMA API will automatically connect to the server after a connection is lost. This behaviour is controlled through the config parameters - ReconnectAttemptLimit and ReconnectMaxDelay. Please refer to the EMA Config guide for description of these parameters.

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Thanks Gurpreet, but is there any way I can simulate connection down and up event.


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Hi Vikas,

A connection break will trigger a connection down event. You could do this by physically disconnecting the network cable, or disconnecting the WiFi network, or you could use network tools like Microsoft TCPView etc, to kill an active connection.

SDK will automatically try to connect once the network connection is restored.

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