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ESG Data Extraction through Eikon API

3.pngHi team, Requesting assistance on the below query: What I need I to replicate the data I showed in the screenshot with the python API (Eikon python package). Currently I am usin the EIKON python package to retrieve ESG data from the API, I would like to include the source of the controversies in to the values of each scores that I have now. So far I have the values for the EIKONcodes for different years, and want to know which parameter can help me to request also the source and corresponding URL. Please see attachments.

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Hi @raveena.radhakrishna ,

You can use the Data Item Browser app inside the Eikon Desktop/Refinitiv Workspace to see the available parameters of the data item.


For example, to get the Controversies Privacy's URL and Source Date, the code below can be used

df, err = ek.get_data(ric, ['TR.ControvPrivacy', 'TR.ControvPrivacy.esgsourceurl', 'TR.ControvPrivacy.esgsourcedate'])

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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