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Deals in Data Item Browser?


Following from this Q&A, I was trying to find new fields who's data I could retrieve from your RD Python library. In this example, your coleague uses fields 'TR.MnASDCDealNumber' to 'TR.MnAAcquirorNation', but how can I find ou tthe list of all the available such fields for deals? Right now, I'm just blindly trying some, and can't find anythin (see code below). I was wondering if there was a way to get a deal in the Data Item Browser to I can browse through the fields for deals like I do companies...

exp = 'SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)),IN(TR.MnAParticipant(DealPartRole=T,A,S,IN),4297297477))'
fields = [
    'TR.RIC', 'TR.BondIdentifier', 'TR.TickerSymbol', 'TR.TradingSymbol', 'TR.FOTickerSymbol',
    'TR.TickerSymbolOld', 'TR.FiIssuerName', 'TR.MnASDCDealNumber','TR.MnAAnnDate',
    'TR.MnARankDate', 'TR.MnARankValueIncNetDebt(Scale=6)','TR.MnATarget',
    'TR.MnATargetMacroInd','TR.MnATargetMidInd', 'TR.MnATargetNation','TR.MnAAcquiror',
    'TR.MnAAcquirorMacroInd', 'TR.MnAAcquirorMidInd','TR.MnAAcquirorNation']
dfj3 = rd.get_data(exp, fields)
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Hi @danieluphromes ,

To browse for the field name, you can use Data Item Browser (DIB) application and Code Creator (CODECR) application can be used as well. The latter one provide the data item categories that could be selected to get the field in category you interested.

For example, below is the screenshot the Deals category is expanded1686645552019.png

you can also expand the subcategories under Deals to find the field name you're looking for1686645885561.png

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

1686645552019.png (131.2 KiB)
1686645885561.png (118.9 KiB)
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