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Hi, I would like to find out how can I use the Refinitiv API to do a advanced search on corporate events -> specifically on trading suspensions of stocks. We are able to do that via Eikon, but i would like to automate the process using the API.

Hi, I would like to find out how can I use the Refinitiv API to do a advanced search on corporate events -> specifically on trading suspensions of stocks. We are able to do that via Eikon, but i would like to automate the process using the API.


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You can try the Refinitiv Knowledge Direct API.

This API has the GetEventHeadlines_1 method allows clients to search for events based on when they occur, their event type, relation to a specific company and/or inclusion of that company in specific set of industries or markets.

The request message looks like this:

                "GetEventHeadlines_Request_1": {
                "DateTimeRange": {
"From": "2023-06-19T00:00:00",
"To": "2023-06-20T00:00:00"
"EventTypes": {
                "EventType": [

"Pagination": {
"PageNumber": 1,
"RecordsPerPage": 10
"UTCIndicatorInResponse": false

The output is:


The client can contact the Refinitiv Account team directly to get more information regarding Refintiv Knowledge Direct API.

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Hello Developers! Good day.

May I please follow-up on the above query? Thank you

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Hi @lizalyn.fuentes ,

Are you using an Advanced Search application in Eikon? If so, have you had a chance to check this article Find content and functionality using Refinitiv Data Library with Eikon Advanced Search?

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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Thank you, Raksina. Client used Eikon Advanced Events Search App. he was able to pull up the information on trading suspensions but he is using above API (screenshot) and we do not know how to submit it using that app. Can you please guide us? Thank you

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