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How to call dss soap api in java with credentials header in soap header?

Hi, here's some context before I start to ask my question

Java version: 17

Gradle version: 8.0

Plugin used to generate stub:

WSDL file I am referring to:

Currently I am trying to call ValidateInstruments soap api, and I believe I have to provide the credential in the soap header but I don't know where can I set the credential header, below are the ValidateInstruments web method generated by the wsdl2java plugin


The InstrumentValidationRequest object:


Please help me with this, thanks in advance.

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I can use Apache CFX 2.X to generate classes for DSS SOAPI API.


It uses WSDL2Java to generate Java classes. I need to check "Enable processing of implicit SOAP headers" (-exsh true).


However, I need to modify the OperationInfoHeader.Duration property in to String.

public class OperationInfoHeader {

    @XmlElement(name = "Host")
    protected String host;
    @XmlElement(name = "EjvServer")
    protected String ejvServer;
    @XmlElement(name = "ProcessingTime", required = true)
    protected String processingTime;
    private Map<QName, String> otherAttributes = new HashMap<QName, String>();
    public String getProcessingTime() {
        return processingTime;

     * Sets the value of the processingTime property.
     * @param value
     *     allowed object is
     *     {@link Duration }
    public void setProcessingTime(Duration value) {
        this.processingTime = "";

The example code is in the file. It looks like this:

        ExtractionService_Service ss = new ExtractionService_Service(wsdlURL, SERVICE_NAME);
        ExtractionService port = ss.getExtractionService();

        System.out.println("Invoking getGovCorpCurrencyTypes..."); _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_credentialsHeaderVal = new;
        _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_credentialsHeaderVal.setUsername("DSS User");
        _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_credentialsHeaderVal.setPassword("DSS Password");
        _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_credentialsHeaderVal.setAuthenticationToken("");<> _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_credentialsHeader = new<>(_getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_credentialsHeaderVal); _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_ejvServerHeader = new;
        _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_ejvServerHeader.setServer("Server-33758018");<> _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_operationInfoHeader = new<>(); _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes__return = port.getGovCorpCurrencyTypes(_getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_credentialsHeader, _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_ejvServerHeader, _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_operationInfoHeader);
        System.out.println("getGovCorpCurrencyTypes.result=" + _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes__return);

        System.out.println("getGovCorpCurrencyTypes._getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_credentialsHeader=" + _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_credentialsHeader.value);
        System.out.println("getGovCorpCurrencyTypes._getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_operationInfoHeader=" + _getGovCorpCurrencyTypes_operationInfoHeader.value);


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Thanks for reaching out to us.

DataScope Select - SOAP API is deprecated. We recommend using the Refinitiv DataScope Select - REST API instead.

You can refer to the DSS REST API tutorials and Java Code Examples.

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Hi @Jirapongse, thanks for your response, I know it is deprecated, but I have to use soap api due to some reason, could you provide an example on calling dss soap api using java? Your help is much appreciated.

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