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Symbology/Symbol Conversion API does not work as intended

Example 1: When I use Symbol Conversion to convert Ticker "RDHL" into RIC, the API response is RDHL.O. The news feed however, tags all RDHL news items with the RIC "2RH0y.F". This means that if I use the Symbol Conversion tool and news feed together, I will not be able to find news items as intended. Moreover, if I try to convert RIC "2RH0y.F" into Ticker via Symbol Conversion API, the response is "2RH0y", not RDHL.

Example 2: Company Genetic Technologies Ltd. The U.S. stock symbol is GENE. Using the Symbol Conversion API, Ticker "GENE" incorrectly converts into "GENES.TE". The correct RIC as used by the news tool is "GTG.AX". However, converting RIC "GTG.AX" back into Ticker, yields "GTG" instead of "GENE".

Example 3: Company Performance Shipping Inc. The U.S stock symbol is PSHG. Using the Symbol Conversion API, Ticker "PSHG" converts into PSHG.O. However, the news feed tags PSHG news items using the RIC "DS2.F" and sometimes even "DS2U.F". Similar to Example 1, this means that if I use the Symbol Conversion tool and news feed together, I will not be able to find news items as intended.

Common theme here is that the Symbology API seems to have trouble if a stock is traded on foreign markets.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I checked with Eikon and found the ticker symbols of RDHL.O, GENES.TE, and PSHG.O are RDHL, GENE, and PSHG respectively.

Moreover, the ticker symbols of 2RH0y.F, GTG.AX, and DS2.F are 2RH0, GTG, and DS2.

If it is a News Monitor app, you may need to contact the Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace support team via MyRefinitiv to verify why the app converts RDHL to 2RH0y.F.

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