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Eikon Python Api stopped working for certain data

I am dowlnoading data via Eikon Python Api. Certain data stopped working, but remaining rics are still ok. The querry in question is:

print(ek.get_timeseries(['XPDFIXPM=','XPDFIXAM=','XPTFIXPMEUR='], start_date='2023-04-25', end_date='2023-05-25', fields='Close'))

As I understand the data in question has been changed. How should I retrieve it now?

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Hi Michal,

I can still get the data on my end during the date range you have specified. Do you mind trying our Latest RD Libraries for Python and see if you can get the data.

import refinitiv.data as rd
rd.get_history(['XPDFIXPM=','XPDFIXAM=','XPTFIXPMEUR='], start='2023-04-25', end='2023-05-25', fields='TRDPRC_1')


Best regards,


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Hi @michal.przestrzelski ,

Thank you for your question. Could you please share the error you are receiving? On my end I can get the date:


Best regards,


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Hi @h.aramyan01,

My code is rather simple:

import eikon as ek


print(ek.get_timeseries(['XPDFIXPM=','XPDFIXAM=','XPTFIXPMEUR='], start_date='2023-04-25', end_date='2023-05-25', fields='Close'))

When I tried running it today, I received following results:


So it seems someone is working on the data right now. The remaining two ricks have values only for last 2 days, and don't have any for a date range in my query.



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