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When is the StartTime inclusive vs exclusive in the RKD intraday timeseries API?

I am using API Endpoint to fetch intraday fx data every hour. This is my example payload. Can you provide information about when the StartTime is inclusive vs exclusive?


"GetIntradayTimeSeries_Request_5": {

"Field": [








"TrimResponse": "false",

"Symbol": "AUD=",

"StartTime": "2023-06-29T00:00:00",

"EndTime": "2023-06-30T00:59:00Z",

"Interval": "MINUTE"



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Hello @vaishali.khairnar30

Could you please clarify more detail about the "when the StartTime is inclusive vs exclusive" message?

I did a quick test on the RKD API product page with your query, the response data contain a "TIMESTAMP" field with cover the StartTime information as follows:


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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.