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How to translate Excel formula into python syntax?

I need to extract historcal ESG through Refinitiv Eikon Python.

i have the following Excel formula and need to translate it into python syntax, please!

=@RDP.Data("AAPL.O","TR.TRESGScore(RollPeriods=True IncludePartialYear=True)","Period=FY0 Frq=FY SDate=2019-01-01 EDate=2022-12-31 CH=Fd RH=IN;date",C3)

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please try this one:

df, err = ek.get_data(['AAPL.O'],

The output is:


1688694880856.png (19.2 KiB)
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@Jirapongse Thank you!

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.