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how to get date in dsws

Hi team, I've got a question regarding dsws. If retrieving single filed and startdate = -0D, then the result will not showing the actual date of the data.


df = ds.get_data(tickers = '@:CNM1E1', fields = ['A12FE'], start = '-0D')

the result will be showing index, instrument, datatype, value and currency


However, if requesting multiple fileds, then it will return date automatically


df = ds.get_data(tickers = '@:CNM1E1', fields = ['A12FE','A18GRO'], start = '-10D')

the result will be


If I need requesting single field while getting the Date, how should I modify the code? Thanks in advance for answering!

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Besides, when i try to use retName function and set to True, I got the following error message "get_data() got an unexpected keyword argument 'retName'", may I know why is that?

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This could be a limitation in the API. It will not display the date field if there is only one date available in the response.

You may raise this issue with the development team via GitHub.

The retName parameter is not available anymore. You can use the following code to get the return name.

df = ds.get_data(tickers = '@:CNM1E1|N', fields = ['A12FE'],start = '-0D',kind = 0)


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Hi @Julian.Bai ,

Please try a call with the parameter 'kind' set to '0':

test = ds.get_data(tickers='@:CNM1E1', fields=["A12FE"], kind=1)

And let us know if the output is what you were after:


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Hi Jonathan, tried

df = ds.get_data(tickers = '@:CNM1E1', fields = ['A12FE'],kind = 0)

df = ds.get_data(tickers = '@:CNM1E1', fields = ['A12FE'],start = '-0D',kind = 0)

df = ds.get_data(tickers = '@:CNM1E1', fields = ['A12FE'],start = '-0D',kind = 1)

and these three have the same results


if try

df = ds.get_data(tickers = '@:CNM1E1', fields = ['A12FE'],kind = 1) then


The problem is I still want to get "Dates" when start = -0d. Is it doable? Thanks.

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Hi @Julian.Bai ,

Yes, you're right. Using the 'grammar' `start = '-0D'` will 'break' the time-series, unfortunutally.
However, you can use 'date grammar':

test = ds.get_data(
    tickers='@:CNM1E1', fields=["A12FE"], kind = 1,
    # freq = 'M',
    start = '2020-01-01',
    end = '2024-04-06')


Does this work for you? You can use the native Python library 'datetime' to automatically pick dates (e.g.: last month).

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Hi Jonathan, thank you very much for your help! I'd accept both answers if I could.

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