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Extract Financial Year End Date using ISIN Codes for List of Companies

I have a list of thousands of companies for which I need to identify and extract the financial-year-end-date across 9 years (2014-2022). How can I do this in Refinitiv Workspace, please? I only have company ISIN codes. Thank you.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I found the TR.CompanyFYearEnd field which provides the fiscal period end date for the next expected annual report but it is unable to provide the previous fiscal period end dates.

I checked which data that can provide the Period End Date field and I found the TR.TotalAssetsActual.periodenddate field. Therefore, you can use Eikon Data API to retrieve this data. The code looks like this:

df, err = ek.get_data(["US4592001014","US5949181045","GB00BH4HKS39","AU000000NST8"],

The output is:


You can also use the Data Item Browser tool to search for available fields.

However, it is better to contact the Helpdesk support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm this method. The support team may provide other fields which can be used to receive the Financial Year End Date.

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