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Extracted files (completed extractions) are not visible in the GUI and not able to download via API

We have identified an issue with the files we are trying to get through API. For some reason the extracted files (completed extractions) are not visible in the GUI and not able to download any files through API).


Also the last extraction metadata comes back as below, with Size 0 and no contents flag.


Could you please get someone on technical side to check and confirm the problem or the configuration?

FYI: these files are currently being picked up through SFTP by a third party, not sure how exactly that works and if it’s possible to remove the generated files as part of that process.

1689689563616.png (51.6 KiB)
1689689824160.png (68.1 KiB)
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@waseem.bari Hi Waseem, as discussed internally via Teams, if the files exists from a 'Scheduled' Extraction and they are deleted using for example (s)FTP, those files will at that point not be available for pickup via any DSS connection method GUI, (s)FTP or REST API. We will discuss some more tomorrow morning.

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