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Error code 412 | Unable to resolve all requested identifiers in ['0#.STOXX'].

When trying to retrieve Joiner and Leaver data for STOXX I get the RDError 412: Unable to resolve all requested identifiers in ['0#.STOXX'].

I used this program in jupyter notebook:

sdate = "0D"
edate = "1980-01-02"
ic_l = "L"
currency = "EUR"
fields_jl = ["TR.IndexJLConstituentRIC", "TR.IndexJLConstituentChangeDate",\ "TR.IndexJLConstituentChangeDate.change"]
uni_euro = "0#.STOXX"
response = fundamental_and_reference.Definition(
universe = uni_euro,
fields = fields_jl,
parameters = {"Sdate": sdate, "EDate": edate, "IC": ic_l}

The parameters are the same as I worked in Refinitiv Workspace Excel and there it worked.
What is wrong?

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I checked it and found the error: in Excel I use ".STOXX" instead of "0#.STOXX".

With this for the index it also works with the API!


Thank You for Your hint!

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I got the "Unable to resolve all requested identifiers" error when running the following formula in Eikon Excel.

=@TR("0#.STOXX","TR.IndexJLConstituentRIC;TR.IndexJLConstituentChangeDate;TR.IndexJLConstituentChangeDate.change","SDate=0D EDate=2021-01-01 CH=Fd RH=IN",B2)


Please share the formula that you are using in Refinitiv Workspace Excel.

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