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Real-Time-SDK Java 2.1.1.L1

is it possible to request access I was able to request access for earlier version but not the latest version 2.1.1.L1 this year? Has there been change in the access permission for my account? Thanks in advance.

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Hi @gopi.santhanakrishnan ,

I'm contacting your Refinitiv's account representative to find the way to send the file and will keep you updated.

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Hi @gopi.santhanakrishnan ,

There seems to be an issue with request access link in the download page in the developer portal. I'm reaching out to the related team to check and fix this.

For an alternative, you can download it in MyRefinitiv - Download center, select MDS - API > Refinitiv Real-Time SDK, then click the download button in the row of the package you'd like to download.


Hope this help and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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Thanks, my issue has been fixed.

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Thanks for your response. I dont see RealTime-SDK under my myrefinitiv. I do not see MDS - API under myrefinitiv. I see only MDS-General and MDS - ValueAdded. Please make it available under the usual open source/ registered developer portal access like before.

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Hi @gopi.santhanakrishnan ,

Sorry for the inconvenience you have faced.

Have you tried using the incognito mode browser to login and request an access to download the package yet? I tried and it works.

While the issue is being checked, another alternative way is to download both RTSDK-BinaryPack and Source code from

Please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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Can you extract the release jar files for ETA and EMA from the release zip above and attach it here , or make it available on github individually







There are the only java dependencies from the SDK that we need for our build.

Due to restrictions internal to our org, I am not able to download large zip file from external github site.

Thanks in advance,

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Thanks. If you can make it available on your github site under release as these individual jar files as mentioned above, that will work too.

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