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ISINs/CUSIPs full list

Where can I retrieve the full list of ISINs? and CUSIPs?

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Hi @nicola.fiore ,

Could you please clarify more on the question, would you like to retrieve all of the ISINs and CUSIPs or do you have some input in other identifier type and want to retrieve the ISINs and CUSIPs of them? Plus, do you have any product you're using currently yet?

I would like to have the list of all CUSIPs/ISINs available, with company names, in a tabulat format (e.g., in Excel, or csv). So that I can search by company name. I already tried the "refinitiv-data" search function, within the Python API. But I would like to do a more "manual" search on a file

24.5k 63 15 21

Hi @nicola.fiore,

Which session are you using in the RD Library. If it is the platform session (i.e. an RDP customer), then there is a Client File Store (CFS) API which provides the ability to download the bulk files, and Symbology is one of the file types available in CFS.

Please note that CUSIP and ISIN are fee liable, and you will need appropriate permissions to access these identifiers.

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In Python I run the following command:

rd.open_session(app_key) with my own appkey generated through Refinitiv Workspace "APPKEY".
I did not know about the CFS API. It seems something I would benefit from. Could you tell me more about it, please?

You seem to be using a Desktop session. CFS is not available through Refinitiv Workspace. Please speak with your Refinitiv account manager about getting access to RDP.
27.2k 65 17 14

Hello @nicola.fiore

You can find more detail about the RDP APIs CFS service from the followinng resources:

I also highly recommend you check with your Refinitiv Representative is the CFS - Symbology is the API that matched your requirement.

### About the CFS API ###

Basically, the CFS lets you download the bulk files that contain various information based on the Bucket name (Symbology information, ESG information, Green Revenues information, etc).

The HTTP API workflow is as follows:

Step 1: Get the list of packageIds from the Bucket bulk-symbology

GET /file-store/v1/file-sets?bucket=bulk-greenrevenue HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>


Step 2: Listing the Filesets of the bulk-symbology with the packageId

GET /file-store/v1/file-sets?bucket=bulk-greenrevenue&packageId={packageId} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>


Continue in comment.

step-1.png (161.8 KiB)
step-2.png (157.0 KiB)
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Step 3: Get the Bulk file URL on AWS S3

GET /file-store/v1/files/{fileId}/stream?doNotRedirect=true HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>


step-3.png (117.4 KiB)
27.2k 65 17 14

Hello @nicola.fiore

Additionally, since you are using the Refinitiv Data Library for Python you can see the TUT_3.2.01-EndPoint-Overview.ipynb example about how to use the RD Delivery Endpoint feature to call HTTP REST API request.

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You seem to be using a Desktop session. CFS is not available through Refinitiv Workspace. Please speak with your Refinitiv account manager about getting access to RDP.

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