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websocket api : F47 error while posting dacslock

Hi dear community,

I am currently trying to implement dacs lock management in a Websocket-based application (written in Python), and I am curiously receiving this message after I post the data :

2023-07-31 18:20:33,175 - DEBUG - Ack received on pub channel : {"ID": 1, "Type": "Ack", "AckID": 62, "NakCode": "AccessDenied", "Text": "F47: Cached lock and post lock are not the same.", "Key": {"Service": "SERVICE_C", "Name": "SOME_TEST_SYMBOL.TEST"}}

I tried to remove the item from the cache, and I also started from a totally new ADH cache to be sure, in every case I am receiving this. This is what a cache dump shows :

SOME_TEST_SYMBOL.TEST MARKET_PRICE : conType=141   Blocks=1   DatLength=113   PermLock=0

If anyone feels that he or she can help on this, it will be of course appreciated. We are using RTDS version 3.6.3 under RHEL8.

Have a good day if you read this


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Hello @julien.dominici

The "F47" error message is generated from the ADH server. The message meaning is as follows:


This issue is most likely to be related to the ADH. I found that you have already raised a support ticket to the RTDS team. I suggest you wait for their ADH investigation to verify the value that ADH expected from the Post consumer.

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Hi @wasin.w , will do, thanks a lot for your help.

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