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Refinitiv Eikon API | Error code 401 - Eikon Proxy not running or cannot be reach


since two weeks, I'm getting the following error:
Refinitiv Eikon API | Error code 401 - Eikon Proxy not running or cannot be reach

when I'm calling the timeseries fct in the eikon API (python and I'm log-in on refinitiv).

sample code:

import eikon as ek


aggregate_swaps = ek.get_timeseries(['USDAM3L2Y=', 'USDAM3L30Y='], interval='daily', start_date='2000/01/01')


eikon-data-api#technologypython api
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Hello @Jonathan.Gregoire

This could be the API proxy or Eikon app issue (your code is valid and works fine). I have created a support ticket nubmer 12879286 to the Eikon support team on your behalf.

The Eikon support team will contact you via a separate email thread.

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Hi @Jonathan.Gregoire ,

It seems as though you might not be running the Eikon Desktop App on your machine, therefore the Python Library cannot find its proxy and use it to authenticate you to the LSEG data services.

For more information on the Eikon Desktop App and how it relates to the Refinitiv Data Library & Eikon Data API for Python, please read this article.

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See screenshot below, I'm log-in on eikon app:


My .bat file was running well for the past 1Y and suddently, since August, it is not working.

I ran a system test:

The two failed are:

Data Retrieval: Fail with RIC UTX.N. Cause: Response data error

Streaming Availability: Fail with RIC /3408.T

+ I'm able to run my code on the codebook eikon application.

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This is the output I have when I try to connect


1693405693324.png (173.3 KiB)
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.