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RDP-Ownership responds error : "Too Many Request"

Hello there,

please help take a look:

I got a client say they sometimes get error on responds wiht "Too Many Requests".

Client using, normally will have 1-3 RICs on a request, and 1-3 request per second. so i don't think this would hit the limit for ownership, but not sure what happened.

here is the error log:

ricList: SMGRDRCZ3An.JK, result: {




"message":"too many requests for /data/ownership/v1/views/org-info [GET]",

"status":"Too Many Requests

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27.2k 65 17 14

Hello @Jessie Deng

I checked with the RDP team, the rate limit is 10 requests per second. Did you send request more than this rate or the account is shared by multiple applications?

You may contact the RDP support team directly to verify this issue. You can contact the team via the website.


rdp-ownership.png (27.2 KiB)
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Thanks @wasin.w, will raise a case to RDP team.

27.2k 65 17 14

Hello @Jessie Deng

Based on the RDP API Playground website, there is the rate limits information as follows (in the Reference tab)


I am checking the rate limit information. In the meantime, I suggest you slowdown the HTTP request to the RDP API gateway.

rate-limit.png (34.8 KiB)
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