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ERROR:pyeikon:Backend error. 400 Bad Request

I cannot obtain the timeseries of the instrument 'C-STKOKL-2-EIA' . It worked fine for years but since the last few days I have been getting :

ERROR:pyeikon:Backend error. 400 Bad Request

ERROR:pyeikon:HTTP request failed: EikonError-Backend error. 400 Bad Request.

The same code works fine for some colleagues so it looks like it is a problem related to my account specifically.

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Hi @davide.costanzo ,

I cannot reproduce the error you have faced. To gain more detail, could you please follow the step 2.2 ) Refinitiv Data Library (RD Library) Eikon Data API and Refinitiv Data Library - Troubleshooting to see the debug log and put the information you get here for further investigation

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