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How to retrieve subsidiary data given the Company PermID?

I'm using the eikon API to retrieve the subsidiary data from the refinitiv. I'm able to retrieve subsidiary information for level 1 subsidiaries only. I'm unable to retrieve the level2 or upto level n subsidiaries. I want my results to be in the form of dictionary. In short for a company tree, the result of the function should return dictionary.

For example, the output of retrieve_subsidiaries(['5000065135', '4298158727']) should be ...


'5000065135': ['5036778064', '5043368391', '5076086756', '5046707557', '', '5036778506', '5082358234']

'4298158727': []


I have tried this. But unfortunately, the run time is also very high as there are multiple API requests being done.

I have tried this at my end. Is there any other way to address this issue?

def retrieve_subsidiaries(tcodes):
    subs_parameters = {
        'SDate': 0,
        'EDate': -3,
        'Curn': 'JPY',
        'Scale': 6,  
        'ReportType': 'Latest',       # Latest, Prelim, Final, All
        'ReportingState': 'Rsdt',    # Orig, Rsdt, All
        'FRQ': 'FY',

    subs_fields = [

    try: # Main part of the code
        subs, err = ek.get_data(tcodes, subs_fields, subs_parameters)
    except Exception as e:
    result = {}
    tcodes = [int(item) for item in tcodes_list]
    for tcode in tcodes:
        subsidiaries = subs[(subs['Instrument'] == tcode) & (subs['Related Org Type'] == 'Subsidiary')]['Related OrgId'].tolist()
        result[tcode] = [sub for sub in subsidiaries if sub]  
    return result, subs
eikoneikon-data-api#technologypython api
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Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please enable logging in the Eikon Data API and share the log file. Therefore, we can verify why the runtime is very high.

You can enable logging in the API by using the following code.

ek.set_app_key('<app key>')

I tried to run the provided the code and got the following error.


1693296263677.png (46.2 KiB)
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