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Refinitiv Data API vs Eikon API for event data

Hi Folks,

Has anyone successfully used the Refinitiv Data API to query for event data?

I'm attempting to do something similar to the examples that I see using the Eikon API below, but get back an empty data frame.

Thanks for any insight!

import eikon as ek
df, err = ek.get_data(['MSFT.O'], ["TR.EventType", "TR.EventStartDate", "TR.EventEndDate",
                                    "TR.EventStartTime", "TR.EventEndTime"]
                      , {'Scale':6,'SDate':'2022-09-01', 'EDate':'2022-12-31'})
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I got the output when using the RD library.


You can enble logging in the RD library via the configuration file (refinitiv-data.config.json) to verify what the problem is.

  "logs": {
    "level": "debug",
    "transports": {
      "console": {
        "enabled": false
      "file": {
        "enabled": true,
        "name": "refinitiv-data-lib.log"

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I can run the code properly.


You can check the err or enable logging in the API by using the following code.


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This does not answer my question!

I'm not interested in using the Eikon API for this. Rather, as explicitly stated in my OP, I want to use the Refinitiv Data API.

When I attempt to use the Refinitiv Data API to run this query, it returns an empty dataframe.

Clearly, your example uses the Eikon API.


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Here is what our debug output shows:

[2023-08-24T14:40:16.568184-05:00] - [sessions.platform.rdp.0] - [DEBUG] - [35052 - MainThread] - [get_data] - [get_adc_data] - Failure response into content layer: Error code 221 | The access to field(s) denied. Requested universes: ['IBM.N']. Requested fields: ['TR.EventStartDate', 'TR.EventType', 'TR.EventTitle']

I'm not sure why this would be the case, we can see the data in the Eikon application and support has confirmed that we should be able to access the data

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The RD library can be configured to retrieve data from either a desktop session (an Eikon use via an application key) or a platform session (RDP credentials).


According to the log, you are using the platform.rdp session.

An Eikon user and RDP user may have different permission settings.

For example, I can get the data when using the desktop.workspace session but I got the access denied error when using the platform.rdp session.

RDError: Error code -1 | The access to field(s) denied. Requested universes: ['IBM.N']. Requested fields: ['TR.EVENTTYPE', 'TR.EVENTSTARTDATE', 'TR.EVENTENDDATE', 'TR.EVENTSTARTTIME', 'TR.EVENTENDTIME']

Therefore, you can use the desktop.workspace session to retrieve the data.

Otherwise, you need to contact the helpdesk team to verify the RDP permission settings.

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