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WebSocket | Receiving error code 429 when not connected to VPN

We are using Reuters WebSocket API and receiving different responses for different usernames (with or without VPN):

Authentication request with credentials:

Username 1:
Response: ERROR 429 {HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests}

Username 2:
Response: SUCCESS 200 {HTTP/1.1 200 OK}

On the same time if we connect to the VPN we are getting success response for both the usernames (little strange):

Username 1 and Username 2 (When connected to VPN):
Response: SUCCESS 200 {HTTP/1.1 200 OK}

We have same code base for all these machines (Windows + Java 8)
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank You.

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Hi @ranjeetchavan875

You should be using the endpoint:

If not already, I recommend you follow the WebSocket Java example: websocket-api/Applications/Examples/RDP/java at master · Refinitiv/websocket-api (

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Hi Nick,
Thank you for the reply and checking on this.

We have tried with the given endpoint as well as with the latest code from Reuters RDP code, but still we are receiving the same error code 429 for one user and not for the other.

And with the VPN, both the users are working fine with the old as well as new endpoint and codebase.

19k 85 39 63

Hi @ranjeetchavan875

It's unclear what you are doing within your application. The error code 429 occurs when the user has exhausted the maximum number of API calls per second. Are you sending a large number of requests simultaneously? Does this error occur if 1 request is sent? Does each user have their own Machine ID (Username) when they connect? For the Authentication 1 licensing, they should.

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Yes, error occurs even with 1 request if not connected to VPN and same works when connected to VPN with the same code base (Nothing has changed on code base, little strange for me as well, as VPN should not matter in this case but it is now).

I can understand below (Not sure whether this will be the case or not):
We are sending consecutive requests every 10 seconds if authentication fails, so this may be blocking the IP at Reuters end and blocking my local machine and when I am connecting to VPN, I am getting new IP, which is getting allowed at Reuters end.

Even if my local IP is blocked, it should get released automatically after some time and I should not get 429 error anymore, I even tried doing activity after 48 hours but still result is same as mentioned above.

Your help will be really appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

Hi @ranjeetchavan875

I was just refreshing myself on this topic and re-read the entire thread - when you are not connected to VPN, you are receiving an error when you attempt to authenticate? That is, you have not even attempted to connect to a WebSocket server? I ask because you state this:

"We are sending consecutive requests every 10 seconds if authentication fails"

Which implies you can't even authenticate and has nothing to do with WebSockets at this points. Just curious, did you try the Java example within Git as opposed to your own code: websocket-api/Applications/Examples/RDP/java at master · Refinitiv/websocket-api · GitHub

Yes you are correct. Authentication itself is failing even tried with new RDP example:

2023-10-04 20:31:55,517 [main] INFO com.service.provider.ReutersMessageProvider - EDP-GW authentication failure: 429 Too Many Requests

2023-10-04 20:31:55,519 [main] INFO com.service.provider.ReutersMessageProvider - Text: {"error":"429" ,"error_description":"Request rate too high." }

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Hi @ranjeetchavan875

Thanks for the history and additional details. Given you were having success with the IDs until the password expired, it certainly does appear like this could be a server-side issue with the IDs. This Q&A site is dedicated to questions and issues with our APIs. This will require deeper investigation by the server teams for your specific IDs. For this, you will need to open a support ticket. Within the support site, select "Refinitiv products and content", then "I cannot access the product". Once selected, I would choose "Refinitiv Real-Time - Optimized" (the service you are using). Describe the issue(s) regarding the IDs expiring - you will need to provide your IDs within the ticket.

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Hi Nick,

Thank you so much for the throughout assistance.

We have communicated with the Refinitiv team and got to know that this particular Machine ID was blocked the system, now they have unblocked it and we are successfully able to authenticate the service.

Your help is really appreciated :)

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