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websocket connection on cloud container

We are trying to test a non-interactive websocket source on a cloud container environment and encountering client disconnects as highlighted below:

WSOCK Server: <>

lastConnectTime : initTimeouts : 0

lastDisconnectTim: Fri Sep 1 05:31:04 portName : distribution_ws_sink

serverDisconnects: 0 portNumber : 15000

clientDisconnects: 14 interfaceName : INADDR_ANY

mountNaks : 0 fileDescriptor : 27

acceptFailures : 0 connectionsAvaila: 256

Parameters for the non-interative source is already defined as follows:

NIP*CacheResiliency*hostList :

*NIP*CacheResiliency*port : 9101

*NIP*MLATrace : False

*NIP*buildCacheFromUpdates : True

*NIP*cacheLocation : ssl

*NIP*cacheType : sourceDriven

*NIP*clearNotInCacheImageWhenActive : False

*NIP*convertNotInCacheToImage : False

*NIP*convertToIDNStyle : False

*NIP*convertVerifyNoSyncToCorrection : True

*NIP*dataType : 6

*NIP*domainsCached : ALL

*NIP*forwardPostUserInfo : False

*NIP*insertAction : allAny

*NIP*notInCacheData : DSPLY_NAME, Not In Cache

*NIP*notInCacheFLN :

*NIP*persistentRestoreAsStale : True

*NIP*pollCache : True

*NIP*preemption : none

*NIP*removeUnwatchedItems : False

*NIP*serviceID : 5225

What could have caused this ? On another cloud environment it is working . Cannot find any entry in the logs to determine issue as there are no errors. Am also able to telnet to the websocket port 15000 without issues.

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Hello @hplow0

Thank you for clarification. Based on your "On another cloud environment it is working" message, is there any difference between the one that work and the one that not working? Like the network configuration, version, firewall, etc.

About the connection diagram, I am assuming that your connection diagram looks like this:


If so, please give me more detail as follows:

  • What is the Non-Interactive Provider API and version?
  • The version of RTC
  • Does the problem occur if you connect the WebSocket consumer to other services on the same RTC?

I suggest you check the RTC configuration and step on this Testing Real-time Streaming applications with Docker & Refinitiv Real-Time Connector (part 2) article. I have tried the configuration on that article using the following diagram and it works fine.

EMA Java NIP100 (RTSDK 2.1.1.L1)--> ADS Pop 3.7.0L1/3.7.1L1 --> Python WebSocket market_price example
  • Note: ADS Pop and RTC are the same product.

You can find more detail about the EMA API NIP service on the following resources:

diagram-3.png (19.1 KiB)
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Hello @hplow0

Could you please clarify "non-interactive websocket source" message? Do you mean you are using the Refinitiv Real-Time WebSocket API as the ADH non-interactive provider source like the following diagram?


Based on the ADH document, it supports the RSSL and RRMP connections only as follows:


The APIs that has the above connections features are RTSDK, not the WebSocket API.

diagram-1.png (22.0 KiB)
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basically we are configuring a non-interactive source for websocket publishing.

Have issues configuring it on the cloud environment so need to know why based on the "clientdisconnects" from rtcmon when the non-interactive source tries to fire up on restart of the rtc process. Source should automatically come up as an active non-interactive source but did not and logs do not indicate anything.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.