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In CorporateActionsStandardReportTemplates, how do i enter QueryStartDate as "All Historical Events" and QueryEndDate as "All Future events" ?

I am trying to add the following in my CorporateActions report. However, i am unable to determine on how to use All historical & Future events. I tried like below in my JSON request but failed. Please help. i am unable to find this in Data Guide - Rest API reference too.

-- Below is a partial request

"Condition": {

"ReportDateRangeType": "Range",

"QueryStartDate": "AllHistoricalEvents",

"QueryEndDate": "AllFutureEvents",


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I think if you don't specify the "PreviousDays" and "QueryStartDate" fields, it will use "All Historical Events" by default. If you don't specify the "NextDays" and "QueryEndDate" fields, it will use "All Future Events" by default.

"Condition": {
      "ReportDateRangeType": "Range",    
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Thanks @Jirapongse . It works. On another note, how do i select everything under "All Share Amount Types" in my API request? Cant seem to find it in Data Guide - Rest API reference


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You can try to set the ShareAmountChoice property to All.


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@Jirapongse its working. thank you for your help!

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