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Real Time Sdk bond live feed


I'm using the free trial on the real time api from refinitiv in order to understand in order to be prepared when starting to get the paid solution. I installed the Java SDK found on the quick start section and finished all steps. I got the example 450 to work. I changed the item Name to explore the different RICs available on the free trial. I also made the loop infinite.

However, i don't really understand how to apply the example code to the needs i have towards this api. I would like to know if it's possible to format the output data in the console when running the example and does the api have a JSON or any other format usable directly in code.

I also need to understand what routes/websockets/... are available to get what kind of data. Ultimatly, once i start paying refinitiv's solution, i would like to access french / italian / spannish ... governmental bonds.

Thank you for your time.

Nathaniael Tristram.

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Hi @nathaniael.tristram,

Since you have the quickstart working, the next logical step is to follow the step-by-step tutorials on the EMA Java. This will help you understand how the SDK works, what an event loop is and how OMM data is parsed and used within an application.

You can find the tutorials here. If things still aren't clear, then you can ask any specific questions here. At a high level, you will have to open multiple subscriptions - one for each instrument, and selectively process the data fields of interest to you.

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Hello @nathaniael.tristram

The other resources that will be helpful for you are as follows:

About the message format, the EMA Java connects to the Refinitiv Real-Time with the Refinitiv TCP-based propriety connection named "RSSL", and the data format is binary (called "RWF - Refinitiv Wire Format") by default. If you need a JSON message, you need to parse incoming field data to JSON manually.

There is the Refinitiv Real-Time WebSocket API that connects to Refinitiv Real-Time via the WebSocket connection and uses JSON message format. However, the WebSocket message is bigger than the EMA with RSSL/RWF connection. The EMA API with RSSL/RWF connection gives a better performance than the WebSocket API.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.