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Index constituents items in Data Item Browser (DIB)

Hello, I am trying to get some index constituents details of some indices using Eikon data API. I can get some basic data using "TR.IndexConstituentxxxx" items like the query below. However, I cannot find these fields using DIB in my Workspace. There is no item if I search using "TR.IndexConstituent". If I type "TR.IndexC", I got 3 items: "TR.IndexCalculationCurrency", "TR.IndexCloseTime" and "TR.IndexComparsonLevel". Why is that? Is it because my license is limited? But I can get the result using the query below. I want to know if the 4 items starts with "TR.IndexConstituent" are the only 4 available or there are more similar fields. How should I get a list for that?

df_constituents, err = ek.get_data(".HSI", ["TR.IndexConstituentRIC","TR.IndexConstituentName", "TR.IndexConstituentWeightPercent", "TR.IndexConstituentShares"],{'Sdate':'2023-09-26'})
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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I checked and found that it could be a problem in the Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace backend system.

Please contact the helpdesk support team via MyRefinitiv to get the list of required fields and confirm the problem.

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