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pulling individual esg metrics


I am trying to get the ESG metrics that an refinitiv ESG score is using to python. I am basically looking at trying to get each indivudal metric into a dataframe, but not the whole score.

How would i go about doing this? I understand that i can manually write each metric i want, but my questions if there's an easier way to do it?

Here's my code currently:

etf_esg, err = ek.get_data(

instruments =['0#.OMXNLCEURGI'],

fields =['TR.TRESGResourceUseScore',],

parameters ={




e.g. instead of getting a column with "ESGResourceUseScore" i want the metrics that this score is compiled of.

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Please note that this forum is for technical questions related to LSEG technology (more specifically, LSEG APIs). For content questions such as yours (e.g.: finding field names), we suggest using myrefinitiv.

With that said, I was wondering, does the Data Item Browser fit your need?

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