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matlab datastreamws login failed

I created a new account and I can login via the website but when i try to use my username and password via the function datastreamws on matlab to use data-feeds it says authentication failed

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please check the DSWS username and password by using the Test Rest Service.


If the username and password are correct, you will get the following response.


If you get an error, please contact your Refinitiv account team or sales team to verify your account's permission.

1696215423705.png (31.8 KiB)
1696215496889.png (12.5 KiB)
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thanks for the reply. I tried this and I get "Failed to retrieve datastream id corresponding to UUID 'GEDTC-803253' for authentication type 'AAA'."

which does not make sense coz I use the same usr and pasw to login here and be able to reply to you...

What is going on?

seems like my account does not have these credentials yet.

How can I contact the sales team?


The account of this website is not the same account for Datastream WebService.

You can use Contact Us on MyRefinitiv or request access to Datastream’s API Web Service on this page.

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