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Is Using UPA consumer not affected by RDFD provider replacing ELEKTRON?

We are getting Feed from RDFD (Tokyo Stock Exchange) using UPA C Edition 7.6.1, Using rsslConnect and rsslInitChannel and so on. The provider uses RDFD. But we need very low level connection. I have two questions.
1. What should we do when the provider replaces RDFD to ELKTRON. And Can you indicate any documantation for that?

2. Is there any problem we continue using UPA?

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Hello @wasin.w
Thanks a lot!
I saw 636938.pdf ( The Document said that RRTD supports ETA and UPA 8.0 (like this).
1696580301713.pngSo I think they are different from each other. But my understanding was wrong.

Thank you so much.

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Hello @satom

Question 1: What should we do when the provider replaces RDFD to ELKTRON. And Can you indicate any documents for that?


I checked the PCN on website, I found the following PCNs that might be helpful for the clients:


However, I strongly suggest you contact the Real-Time support team to help you with this information.

Question 2: Is there any problem we continue using UPA?

Answer: I strongly suggest the client upgrades to the Enterprise Transport API (ETA API) which is a rebranded and newer version of the UPA API. The UPA 7.x is still supported by LSEG, but the API was released a long time ago. The ETA API contains various bug fixes and enhancements from UPA 7.x overtime.

Please see more detail about the ETA API (which is part of the strategic Real-Time SDK) as follows:

1696565334888.png (49.3 KiB)
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Thanks for your answer and great advices.
We should consider about ETA API.
By the way, the provider can be replaced to RRTD. So then we should change FID list and update UPA7.x. If there is no budget for updating to ETA, we must update to UPA8.0. Do you know where is documentation of UPA8.0 ?

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Hello @satom

If I am not mistaken, the UPA 8.0 is ETA 3.0.0.L1. The API name has been changed from Ultra Performance API to Enterprise Transport API, the version number has been changed to align with the Refinitiv Real-Time version release number .

The current version of ETA API is 3.7.2 (as part of the RTSDK 2.1.2.L1).

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