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How can I download ESG ratings for the full universe of companies for company reporting year 2021 using Refinitiv Eikon terminal?

I tried using the ESG CUSTOM SCORING TEMPLATE for retrieving ESG scores from all companies of each industry using Refinitiv Excel Add-in. However, the values of the ESG score do not match with the values which are presented in the Refinitiv Eikon Workspace (see screenshots).


I am wondering if this is a common error? Perhaps there is a simpler way of obtaining ESG ratings for the full coverage in reporting year 2021?

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I assume that this Excel file is from Refinitiv. Therefore, please contact the Workspace Excel support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify what the problem is.

I checked with the ESG - Company Data template in the template library.


The output is:


These values are from the TR.TRESGScore field.

It looks like that the Excel shows the current value (FY2022).

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